Thursday, January 31, 2013

Snapshot Statistics

The above image is a USA Today Snapshot. The image shows the top zoos in the USA and the number of annual people who visit these zoos (in millions).

Claim #1: The San Diego Zoo is the best zoo in the USA.
Claim #2: The Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago is the worst zoo in the USA.
Claim #3: Chicago is not a very popular city because they have the lowest annual attendance.

These are three very different claims that people could conclude when they look at this picture and these specific statistics. These claims however, are not necessarily true. These statistics are based off of only 3 zoos in the USA and there is very well more then 3 zoos in the USA. You can see how someone may make these claims though. This exercise shows that statistics can be interpreted in many different ways. Everyone views them differently. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Facebook Me VS Real Me

I use Facebook daily, like most people do. Your Facebook page represents you. Someone who doesn't know you and wants to know about you, can do so by exploring your Facebook. When you first look at my Facebook, you can see my hometown, the school I attend, what I am studying, and that I am in a relationship with my boyfriend, David. As you browse through my Facebook, you come across my favorite bands, movies, books, television shows, activities, interests and inspirational people. Someone who doesn't know me can see that I have a very diverse taste in music, I like a lot of different movies, my favorite book is The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and that I watch a lot of Cartoon Network. Under my inspirational people, you can find Bettie Page, R2D2, and Hello Kitty. Someone who doesn't know me can conclude that I have a cute sense of humor, I enjoy Star Wars, and that I also am fond of Bettie Page. My activities include singing songs in a british accents, blowing bubbles, and smoking joints with jesus. I think this really shows my humorous side. I post a lot of things on Facebook, most of them being random pictures I find on the internet and pictures of my own that I take. Most of my pictures include cute animals, random pictures I find funny or interesting, pictures of my boyfriend and I, and I also post an unhealthy amount of pictures of my dog, Daisy. I like to post pictures of my dog doing different things, such as being wrapped up in a blanket so she looks like a sushi roll. Many people know I am obsessed with my dog due to the fact I post so many pictures of her. I don't post too many statuses, because I really don't feel that it is necessary to inform the Facebook world of my every move. When I do post statuses, they are usually lyrics of a song that I either really enjoy, or lyrics that express what I am feeling. I also post statuses that express excitement and happiness about certain things or events, such as my Mother buying my tickets for The Governors Ball in NYC which is a big 3 day music festival in June or wishing my boyfriend a Happy Anniversary. I also sometimes post videos I find funny or music videos of my favorite songs. By just looking at my Facebook, I think someone can conclude that I am a quirky, sarcastic, humorous person who enjoys music and going to concerts. I am very fond of my dog, and I am very much in love with my boyfriend David. While you can't completely learn everything there is to know about a person based on their Facebook, you can get a really good idea about what kind of person they are.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Obama's Inaugural Address 2013

After listening to Obama's Inaugural Address, I am very impressed. I am not too big into politics these days and I don't usually listen to political speeches, but I actually did enjoy listening to this speech. Obama without a doubt is an extremely personable and passionate human being. You don't have to necessarily agree with Obama, but one can see that Obama is a very good person and he has views, ethics, and beliefs that I know I myself, and other people can relate to and can respect. Obama knows the right things to say and has this special way of making us, the people of the United States, feel connected with him. He starts his speech off by addressing us as his "fellow citizens" which right off the bat made me feel connected with him. I didn't view him as our superior President, but as a citizen, just like me. 

As a citizen in this country, I want to be able to relate to Obama and I want to be able to feel a connection between him. I want our leader to understand how we the people are feeling when regarding certain things, issues, and events. Obama uses the words "we" and "us" throughout his entire speech and I really think this is a vital part of using ethos successfully. He stresses that we must move forward together as one WHOLE nation "We made ourselves anew, and vowed to move forward together.” Here Obama is touching on the fact that we as a nation vowed to move forward together, as a whole. We won't be able to become a better America if we all don't work together. Obama knows how to touch the audience and he knows how to bring us all together and make us feel like we are a whole. 

Obama is clearly a very gifted and talented speaker. His voice is one of the strongest speaking voices I have ever heard. You can hear it in his voice and I feel like his voice is one of the strongest voices in this country. There are many ways to use ethos the wrong way, but I believe Obama knows exactly how to use ethos, without a doubt. Obama uses all 3, pathos, logos, and ethos very well in his speeches. I believe ethos is his strong skill. Especially considering that he is President of the United States, he has to be able to use ethos correctly. The definition of ethos is "The characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as seen in its beliefs and aspirations". I believe this describes Obama's speech. He truly represents America as a whole. He brings us together as a nation and as a community. He knows what we as America want to see in this country, and I truly was convinced that he truly cares and that he is going to do whatever he can to kick start the US.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Mary Jane VS Jack Daniels

There has always been the great debate concerning alcohol and cannabis. How is one legal and the other one is not? How is the most destructive one legal, and the other one is not? In the picture above, you can see the words "Can you guess which one is legal?" at the bottom of the page. Above these words is a picture of a cannabis leaf and then a picture of a beer bottle. They each have three pictures that follow. Following the cannabis leaf (which is specifically a hemp leaf, because it has 5 leaves instead of 7, which means this leaf actually has no recreational value) you can see some friends chilling on the couch smoking pot, these friends chilling together watching television, and then these same friends happily frolicking together in what appears to be a magical rainbow that has appeared out of no where. You can also notice a strategically placed Bob Marley poster because everyone that smokes pot loves Bob Marley. Following the beer bottle you can see friends chilling on the couch drinking, these same friends out driving in a car, and then these same friends in a car accident. It is clear that this image is trying to convince you that it is a load of Tomfoolery that alcohol is legal and marijuana is not. Alcohol is by far the most destructive drug on this planet. The long term as well as short term effects alcohol can have on the mind and the body is sickening. Alcohol also can destroy one's social life and relationships. The number of alcohol related deaths in the USA each year is roughly 75,000. There is not one recorded death related to marijuana in history. Marijuana has medicinal value, alcohol does not. Marijuana is not physically addictive, alcohol is. Alcohol is a depressant, marijuana is not. I am in no way promoting the use of marijuana, however, I completely agree with that this picture is trying to portray and the message it is trying to get across.


I am 50% Australian. The ancient Australians consider the owl sacred. They believe that when a female passes on, her spirit is repossessed by an owl. This is where the saying "An owl is your sister and your sister is an owl" comes from. The owl represents strong wise females. My father left when I was two years old and I was raised in a household that consisted of my mom, grandmother, and sister. It is safe to say that I know a thing or two about strong females. Owls have always been very special to me ever since I was very little. Many kids have a new favorite animal every other day, for the past 19 years my favorite has always been an owl. I have a half sleeve tattoo on my upper arm that consists of a brightly colored owl sitting in a tree. The owl has big bright eyes and is very detailed. The owl also has a small pink flower on her to give it a little feminine flare. I believe that this owl is a great representation of myself. Owls tend to sit up high and watch their surroundings. I believe this can be related to how I like to sit back and watch the world. Owls are a very determined species and some species of owls are considered to be some of the strongest birds. If it wasn't for my strong, wise, determined mother and grandmother, I don't think I would be the person I am today.